This was the best thing I ever did and I like to share it with you.
This site isn't made for winning the "most fanciful home page price". The purpose of this site is only that you'll get an idea of how I experienced that beautiful continent. That very different continent. Unknown by a lot of people. With all her troubles and all her beauty. There is not a single day that I don't think of Africa and the African people.
Below you'll find a map of Africa. You can click on the images to enlarge them. You'll find also a description together with the pictures. In the future I'll add some pictures or I'll exchange them. I did my best to keep the pictures small as possible with still a reasonable quality.
The blue spots do show you a part translated from my diary or just a story. The yellow marked spots
are not ready yet.
The 21 countries I travelled from the North to the South in Africa are: Spain (enclave), Morocco, Algeria, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Zaïre, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Transkei (I count this as a country) and Namibia.
Index of the pictures:
Algerian oases
Trans - Saharan Route de Hoggar
Two bike(r)s in an empty desert
Driving a Mercedes, in the desert
African market
African repair shop
Writing my diary in the church
A mother
The Zaïre River
Main road of Zaïre
This is the only North-East road in Zaïre
Repair the bridge yourself please
Crossing the Equator in Uganda
Nearly killed by an angry hippo
Crossing the Equator in Kenya
The first beer I liked again after I got malaria
The children of Africa.
New South African friends
African hut
Jambo, Jumbo
Victoria Waterfalls
The Roundavels in Pretoria
Cape L'Agulhas
Finish of the rally Paris - Cape Town
Namibia camping
Fish River Canyon
Index of the blue (diary/story) spots:
Leaving Europe.
Hello Africa!
The crossing of the border between the Central African Republic and Zaïre.
Tiwi beach.
Slurfje (Little trunk).
A letter to friends.
The most Southern point of Africa!