And after so much overwelming nature, I do have to think about this phrase:
"My thoughts are like a sea, they are washing sadly at their boundaries."
(Nescio, Titaantjes)
Porridge made of rice today. I do have to check the rice on little stones because on the local market they sold me rice with 10% of the total weight in little stones! Plenty of time, so ... .
Two back packers are putting their tent up behind mine. I always get a feeling of pity if I see back packers.
To be honest, I'm a little proud that a motorcycle is waiting for me beside my tent. A symbol of resoluteness, strength, endurance and daring. To distinguish you from the rest of the holiday-makers.
Dirty, has-been cars. I can sympathize with them also, a little.
Travellers on a motorcycle, among each other, know they are unique. And most of them do have that radiation of self confidence. In such way that a lot of people do look up to these motorcycle men. And whispering: "what a big tank, how fast can it go" and "you must be strong to travel on that bike that distance".
Very well accepted are the dirty clothes in which a hard core biker mostly appears: "oh, those dirty clothes doesn't matter, you'e a biker."
Bad roads don't discourage a biker. No public transport? No problem. You like to stop for a leak or enjoying the view? Oh well, then you stop.
Doesn't everybody like to fly like a bird? The highest rate of freedom. After this comes travelling by motorcycle! Therefore we're only responsible to the birds.
A lot of people along the road are listening to our stories. And do give us bikers a lot of small presents as food , drinks or sometimes a bed. Because the locals know that the real men are also human and everybody (special those who suffered) appreciates attention.
Oh boy, after a while in Africa you have to take care not to be a colonialist ... or a beggar!